Stephen Hunter

 Stephen Hunter 's Books

A very well recieved series by Stephen Hunter are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Point of Impact, I, Sniper, Havana, The Third Bullet, Sniper's Honor: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel, Dirty White Boys, The 47th Samurai, Hot Springs, G-Man, Black Light, Time to Hunt, The Day Before Midnight, A Bob Lee Swagger Boxed Set, The Master Sniper, Game of Snipers, Tapestry of Spies, Citadel, The Second Saladin, Stephen Longacre's Greatest Match, Pale Horse Coming, Soft Target, Dead Zero, Casey at the Bat, The Third Bullet bls-8, The Third Bullet: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel, Sniper's Honor, Soft target rc-1, Black Light bls-2, A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set: I, Sniper, Night of Thunder, 47th Samurai, Havana es-3, Hot Springs (Earl Swagger), Time to Hunt bls-1, Pale Horse Coming es-2, Hot Springs es-1, I, Sniper: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel, which was published in 2022.